I've seen several posts recently about boiled eggs and how to make them. Here are some of the ways others have explained the boiling egg process:
1. Let water boil, add eggs, turn off heat and let sit covered 13 minutes.
2. Add eggs to warm water and let boil 10 minutes then return to cold water.
Plus, there is this debate on whether or not to add eggs to cold water or warm water; or even to add to boiled water. It's easiest to go with the middle road here in my opinion and add to warm water.
3. Here's how I do it and I get perfect eggs Every time:
Add eggs to warm water, add some sprinkles of salt and bring water to a boil.
Continue to boil eggs for 3 minutes = runny yolk
5 minutes to get soft yolk or 6 minutes for fully solid yolk.
Empty eggs into cold water and peel; refrigerate and eat when chilled.
It's really simple.
Lastly, if the egg spins on a table and continues to spin it's fully boiled. You can also often tell that the egg is lighter weight. These are simple little ways of being able to tell the egg is fully cooked.