Saturday, November 8, 2014

Would Your Kids Survive the Apocalypse

With all the hype on the Walking Dead and other post apocalyptic types of movies I often wonder...would my kids actually survive the apocalypse.

 I'd like to think that like Katniss Everdeen of Hunger Games my 7th grade daughter would hunt for her own food and fight like a tribal warrior for her survival. We even bought the kids real bow and arrows for Christmas one year to try and prepare them for survival mode if the need ever occurred. Deep down though, I know that my big ideas of preparation and survival don't amount to much in the scheme of things. We're talking bio warfare/ zombies, changing polar zones with wintery conditions that compare to the Ice Age, or holes in the Ozone layer that are depleting our oxygen levels, nuclear war, even drought and famine, or worse yet (the plague). Any of these things could spell doom for humanity as we know it, but would it end everything and would those that live have been the strong or would they be the chosen few? I often wonder what my kids would do without the "instant life": instant internet, instant conversation, instant food, instant energy. These are no longer conveniences, but rather a normal way of life. I think of Avatar and the Indians and how without those who had the knowledge of the land and how to live off of it without them and that knowledge one would be in the darkest of situations.

These are the rational fears in the back of my mind. That I can't protect them no matter how much I would like to. But, I choose above all to have hope. I will buy them bows and arrows, ground them from technology on occasion to give them a taste of life without it, keep them in sports so that they will stay fast and flexible, feed them so that they will stay healthy and strong, and provide them shelter. Above all I will show them love, because no matter this life, the post apocalyptic life, or in the afterlife love is something they can hold onto. Love will give them hope. Love will help them to find their faith. It's okay that with everyday we step out into a scary world of the unknowns, because with faith we will land together onto something more.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tired of Overly Boiled Eggs, Here's the Fix

I've seen several posts recently about boiled eggs and how to make them. Here are some of the ways others have explained the boiling egg process:

1. Let water boil, add eggs, turn off heat and let sit covered 13 minutes.
2. Add eggs to warm water and let boil 10 minutes then return to cold water.
Plus, there is this debate on whether or not to add eggs to cold water or warm water; or even to add to boiled water. It's easiest to go with the middle road here in my opinion and add to warm water.

3. Here's how I do it and I get perfect eggs Every time:
Add eggs to warm water, add some sprinkles of salt and bring water to a boil.
Continue to boil eggs for 3 minutes = runny yolk
 5 minutes to get soft yolk or 6 minutes for fully solid yolk.
Empty eggs into cold water and peel; refrigerate and eat when chilled.

It's really simple.
Lastly, if the egg spins on a table and continues to spin it's fully boiled. You can also often tell that the egg is lighter weight. These are simple little ways of being able to tell the egg is fully cooked.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why Women Can't Remember to Turn the Lights Out

In Season One, Episode One of the Walking Dead Shane and Rick have an earnest discussion about women and their inability to turn the lights out. Well in our defense ladies, here are some of the most common reasons the lights are still on.
1. Women are multi-taskers moving quickly from one room to the next to do laundry or make dinner for the man and kids. In this case, women just simply don't need the added inconvenience of turning on/ off a switch. It's just an extra chore.
2. Women are distracted because of their kids. "Mom, I need my shorts washed; Mom I'm hungry what's for dinner; Mom, I have a science project due tomorrow and I need poster board." These questions typically don't get popped on dad, he's generally too busy playing Black Ops with his buddies via virtual reality or cleaning his guns so that he can pretend to be just like Rick and Shane.
3. The woman may also have too many things on her mind to remember the little things like turning off the lights; see 1 and 2 above for proof. Even our dearest Sheriff Rick admits to occasionally forgetting to turn the lights off.

4. Need I stress more that households often include kids, kids, kids. The woman turns one light off, only to have a child come behind her and flip the switch back on. It's like a 6th sense or something to know that the lights were off so that must be the room they need to venture into next.
5. Men, they always come home late. Some women, could just be considerate and not want their man to have to trip over the dog as he walks in the door. Yes...electricity is burning and wasting energy and $, but not having that light on could mean a trip to the ER for a broken ankle or busted face from the fall. After the day the woman has had with taking care of the house, your laundry, your dinner, and possibly the kids or her work the last thing she needs is to take her whimpering, wounded man to the hospital.
Dear comic character Shane from Walking Dead, it's a shame that so many men modeled themselves after you from the TV series because you were like a kid yourself; always complaining about the Woman and her role in the house and never seeing the motives and yes "logic" behind her actions. Personally, I believe you had it coming in the end when you received not one, but two holes in the head. Look who's lights are out now.

This woman is done with her rant (equal in comparison to that of the Walking Dead show clip below) and now will randomly walk through the house turning on all the lights one by one just for the hell of it, because she can.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Create a Family To Do List from Fairy Tales

This family activity was so creative I just had to share. This is something family and friends alike will enjoy and it is for all ages. All it takes is a spark of initiative and creativity. Start by brainstorming use a large poster or a dry erase board and think together about all the best fairy tales you've read, movies you've watched along the way, and other magical moments you may have had in life and wonder at what it would have been like to have done some of the things that you loved about those magical moments. VOILA, you will almost instantly have ideas flowing for your to-do list. 

Why create a to do list from fairy tales you may ask. Well, I'd reply that why not. The world needs a little bit more magic in it and this will be sure to add a magic moment to your afternoon. Then, be sure to Facebook your ideas just because it's fun to share.

Here is our most recent To Do List created on a whim by me, my daughters, and my best friend/ sister in the whole world. Based on my personal experience this is a MUST DO activity. My kids loved it so much and it was nice to see the smiles spread. A special thank you to my sister Courtney for coming up with the idea.


CLUE 2013 FREE Manor Beach Score Sheets for Print

Like many Walmart shoppers I was thrilled to find the Classic CLUE game recently at Walmart on sale for only $8.00, only to be disappointed upon my return home that there weren't score sheet cards in the box. This meant there was no way for my family to keep track of our guesses during the game. This is exactly what happens when Walmart goes for the cheapest product, but not a quality product, the pieces are missing or broken, or the product just plain sucks. Betting on the fact that the score sheet pad probably wasn't included in any of the $8.00 boxes at Walmart I got creative and improvised.
1st, I surfed the net on .ebay, Amazon, and google to try and find the pre-printed pads on sale. Afterall, we all eventually run out of score cards anyway right so it seemed only natural there would be pre-printed score card pads available just like a pre-printed post it, but the answer to this question is NO. They do not sell re-fill score pads anywhere. So, this meant I would have to create it myself.

Let me tell you now that typing and formatting a front to back score sheet wasn't an easy task. There is a lot of information to fit onto a small amount of space and the tables have to be formatted just right. Also, each CLUE game is unique in itself. There are various versions of the board with different rooms, different weapons; even the characters look different on different versions. On the 2013 manor - beach version there are two boards in one, so this meant I would have to create 2 score cards in one. Each side came with different rooms or places that the murder could have taken place. One of the cool things about creating my own score card template for CLUE was that I could make the score cards a little larger for older players like myself to be able to see the options a little better.

I've done all the hard work pre-formatting and getting it just right for you. All you have to do is print the front/ flip the paper and print the back. Depending on your print settings there may be a little extra white space at the bottom of one side but it lines up quit nicely. I printed several of these at home and made my own little pre-printed notebook at home for guests to play from. I'm sure you can have Kinkos or another printing service print it for you to if preferred. I used resume paper because it is a bit of a higher quality and feels good to hold in hand.

 So here is what you've been waiting for right...the template. I hope all Fellow Clue Lovers everywhere ENJOY! A link to the .pdf is here, just print/ cut/ and use.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Good Meds vs. the Bad Ones

What doctors don't tell you is that in truth medication may act as a wonder drug for you while it destroys the physical and mental well being of someone else. This is because people tolerate drugs differently. We are truly unique individuals. I've had this very experience with my physician. It isn't her fault because she did all of the appropriate blood testing to determine that my physical makeup was off balance and that I needed something to help control this. In fact, as she put it for the last 20 years since hitting puberty I've actually stayed on PMS according to my blood work. This entire time, I've blamed myself for uncontrollable mood swings, sadness, and body swelling when in fact it was all in the physical makeup of my DNA. Yes, my DNA. All that I had to do was look around me. My mother and her entire side of the family experienced similar feelings of sadness and anxiety. Many of them experienced the same kind of mood swings. These behavioral symptoms have been passed down from generation to generation.

What I also didn't realize was that just because Celexa might work for my mother, didn't mean that it would work for me. I had also tried Prozac/ Zoloft with no success, but what Celexa did was drive me into deeper sadness/ madness and paralyze my ability to function in a normal society. Not only was I unable to function, but my panic attacks increased with sweats and labored breathing. My fears and paranoia set in. I actually believed it was again, my fault that this was happening to me, not because of the medicine but because I was too lazy or scared to get out of bed. I felt like a drag on society, like I wasn't able to produce anything worthwhile, like I didn't have a place in the world and wasn't needed or wanted. Nothing seemed bright anymore, not even the little things and special moments that occur in day to day life. Then, upon returning to the doctors I was placed on Abilify.

I'm generally the type of person who likes to know what I'm doing to my body and mind. I like to know what it is that is going into my body. So, before taking the first 2mg. dosage prescribed by my doctor I did some research only to find that at least 1/2 of the peer reviews out of 600 online 1st hand experiences were negative regarding Abilify. Many people complained of the symptoms that I had experienced the same feelings of complete sadness/ madness I had while on Celexa. They complained of extreme weight gain, bloating, anger, and numerous other negative things.

This made me even more nervous to take the medicine that had been prescribed to me, but then I realized the other 1/2 of the reviews said great things about this medicine, that it could be a life changer for the better. I was willing to take the risk to be able to face life and the day again. I was tired of living in a dark place that seemed to have claimed me for most of my existence. I was tired of feeling like I couldn't be around people because it was a genuine problem that I even existed. So, I tried the medicine. One of the great things I've found with Abilify is that even on the smallest dosage you can begin to see improvement and being on the smallest dosage may be exactly what you need to make life livable again. I've been on the 2mg dosage compared to Celexa's 20+ dosages and suddenly I'm a morning person again. I not only get up, but am actively pursuing my dreams again because of this medication which turned out (so far) to be my wonder drug. Abilify may not have worked for many of the other patients who took the time to place a review, but it did work for me. This is why I had to write this blog to deliver hope to those who are suffering from depression and anxiety or OCD and other mood disorders. There is something out there that can help you, you just have to work with your doctor and seek it out. It's also important to be able to recognize when your symptoms are worsening on a medication and to visit your doctor regularly while trying these new medications, because your doctor may be able to help you recognize when things aren't working and get you on something that will.

In just a short amount of time Abilify has given me hope again. It has helped me to function normally in society. I no longer live in fear that I'm unwanted and that my existence is meaningless, or that I'm worthless. These thoughts had been plaguing me to the very point that I was defeating myself, completely unable to continue fighting for my dreams or for my life. I had given up. I was in a dark place, but things are looking up for me now. So, please if you don't feel right. If you are possibly going through some of these same thoughts or feelings see your doctor and work with them to get the medication right. It may not be Abilify for you, it may be Celexa or Seroquil, or something else. It could even be that you are already on too many medications and need to decrease dosage or eliminate a few medicines downsizing to just one. Whatever the case there is hope. Get help. I probably wouldn't be able to write this article if it weren't for the help I've received. I probably wouldn't even be here.