In Season One, Episode One of the Walking Dead Shane and Rick have an earnest discussion about women and their inability to turn the lights out. Well in our defense ladies, here are some of the most common reasons the lights are still on.
1. Women are multi-taskers moving quickly from one room to the next to do laundry or make dinner for the man and kids. In this case, women just simply don't need the added inconvenience of turning on/ off a switch. It's just an extra chore.
2. Women are distracted because of their kids. "Mom, I need my shorts washed; Mom I'm hungry what's for dinner; Mom, I have a science project due tomorrow and I need poster board." These questions typically don't get popped on dad, he's generally too busy playing Black Ops with his buddies via virtual reality or cleaning his guns so that he can pretend to be just like Rick and Shane.
3. The woman may also have too many things on her mind to remember the little things like turning off the lights; see 1 and 2 above for proof. Even our dearest Sheriff Rick admits to occasionally forgetting to turn the lights off.
4. Need I stress more that households often include kids, kids, kids. The woman turns one light off, only to have a child come behind her and flip the switch back on. It's like a 6th sense or something to know that the lights were off so that must be the room they need to venture into next.
5. Men, they always come home late. Some women, could just be considerate and not want their man to have to trip over the dog as he walks in the door. Yes...electricity is burning and wasting energy and $, but not having that light on could mean a trip to the ER for a broken ankle or busted face from the fall. After the day the woman has had with taking care of the house, your laundry, your dinner, and possibly the kids or her work the last thing she needs is to take her whimpering, wounded man to the hospital.
Dear comic character Shane from Walking Dead, it's a shame that so many men modeled themselves after you from the TV series because you were like a kid yourself; always complaining about the Woman and her role in the house and never seeing the motives and yes "logic" behind her actions. Personally, I believe you had it coming in the end when you received not one, but two holes in the head. Look who's lights are out now.
This woman is done with her rant (equal in comparison to that of the Walking Dead show clip below) and now will randomly walk through the house turning on all the lights one by one just for the hell of it, because she can.